I've got a YouTube channel
Okay, so I've always had a personal YouTube channel. But I decided to make one just for the blog.
Since we're possibly going to start construction soon, I hope to have some video content of the process along the way. My current plan is to visit every two months and I'm also hoping I can convince the architects to shoot some short clips occasionally to highlight the process.
The channel can be found by clicking here. Subscribe if you're so inclined.The only videos on it right now are the two phone videos I shot in 2018 and 2019 of the land. I'm hoping to produce better videos down the road if I can not be lazy and actually make that effort.
We've been working extra hard to try to keep as isolated as we can before our trip to Mérida in a couple weeks when we will, hopefully, make our down-payment on the construction and sign the paperwork.
Even when we're down there, I have serious doubts we'll venture out much. We rented a nice house and will probably lay by the pool and try to get food and other items delivered, if possible. I've had Rappi on my phone for a while now, and it might finally be the time to use it.
I'm not so concerned about getting the virus down there, but I want to be extra careful that we don't inadvertently bring something with us. I know we just shouldn't come at all, but there really isn't a great way to get everything done with the house build unless we put it off and I really want to try to get it completed this year, if possible. Like I've said before, I'd like my dad to be able to visit it and time is precious with him right now.
We're going to wear two masks on the plane and at the airport and in the taxis and Ubers. While we're down there we will do our best to isolate ourselves.
I am going to try to make it to our land to take a new video, one that I can do as a 'walk-through' involving the construction plans. An ultimate before video. Shouldn't put anyone at risk there besides the two iguanas that live in the area.
So, watch for that.
Anyways, tomorrow is literally a new year, so let's look forward and hope that things look up for all of us!
Take care.
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