Some early first looks and the coronavirus moves in

It's been a couple of months since hearing from the architects. I know things are busy, we've been busy.

I spent a lot of time taking care of a bed bug infestation at my grandma's apartment complex. Which ended up with me moving her out since the whole building was infested. I took her to a hotel room, had her go into the bathroom to take a shower and bagged up her clothes and threw them away and bought new clothes.

We found her a new apartment and moved her in. Buying her all new furniture and clothes. I then had to go to the old apartment that was just crawling with bed bugs. On the walls, the floor, everywhere. I would bag things up and take them to the dumpster. Take all the furniture out. Take what clothes I could and bag them and run them in the dryer on high heat to kill any bugs.

Then I would go home. Strip outside the house and shove everything into a bag and then into our dryer on high heat while I showered and scrubbed myself down.

For a week I did this until I got everything out of her old apartment and her keys turned in.

I will have nightmares of that experience for the rest of my life, I kid you not.

Then at the end of February we went to Las Vegas for a photography convention and exhibition.

And now things are dangerous. That was right about the time that coronavirus became a real worry in the states. A nursing home in Washington state had been found to be full of cases.

We got back from Las Vegas and I was sick for a few days. The flu? Hope so. No way to tell since testing wasn't (and isn't) readily available and I'm not a "vulnerable" person. I recovered quickly and quarantined myself the best I could. Nobody around me got sick so that was a positive outcome at the very least.

Meanwhile, Mérida is beginning to take action and shutting down schools and asking non-essential businesses to close or work from home. They're slightly ahead of us in taking action here.

I messaged a few people we know in Mérida, including our architects. Hoping they are doing okay and staying safe and hoping this can pass over us sooner rather than later.

So far, everyone is doing well. Our architects are working from their homes, and they did send some sneak previews on what they're working on for us.

It's of the back half of the property. Two of the guest bedrooms and the master bedroom area from the outside. It looks great! There are a few things I'm not sure about as far as interior design, but I'm sure they can be altered in the future. Nothing is happening now anyways, and it's not really an important thing in life right now. But it was nice to have a little bright spot in these otherwise difficult times.

I'm hoping that we can all pull through this with as little suffering as possible. I certainly don't have any answers to make this better for the people or the businesses that are in danger. Just having the faith in humanity that we do the right things for each other.
